Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Not all Estate Agents are the same!

Despite the shocking weather for February so far I am very pleased to report that Bradleys are continuing to perform well and the year ahead is starting to look very promising. New instructions are the life blood of our business and our customers have really understood what makes Bradleys better than other agents as we are winning a very good share of the new instructions coming on to the market. Our Customer Services Department delivers exceptional service answering customer enquiries and making viewing and valuation appointments right up to 10.00 at night as well as Saturdays and Sundays too. Our customers appreciate the 'out of hours' service and quick responses to requests so when they come to decide on an agent to trust with the sale of their biggest asset then I think we naturally spring to mind.
Another reason I think we are going well is people's trust in product reviews and again Bradleys show up very well on the estate agents review site allAgents.co.uk. Bradleys are rated 3rd nationally out of 12,000 sales and letting agents and were awarded the title of Best Sales Agent for Customer Service by the review site in 2013. Not all customers are influenced by good service and a good track record, some sellers think all estate agents are the same so choose their agent on valuation provided and fee to be charged. This is where some sellers go wrong. The thing a seller should be aware of is does the agent have a good track record of selling houses in the vicinity and does the agent have the comparable evidence to stack up their valuation. Anybody can value a property at any price, it's selling it that is important. To sell a property it has to be valued correctly for the current market conditions and be in line with the other neighbours sold in the immediate past, taking into account the differences between the properties.
To market a property well to achieve the best price costs money and this is where a good agent comes into their own. You need to see a very diverse range of marketing and in the modern world all areas are considered. Recently Bradleys have launched videos to explain our services and also presenter led videos of some of our properties for sale. Visit our YouTube channel and see if you like what you see. If you would like some of what you see for yourself then please contact us as we would be pleased to help and in a way where the best service in the country comes as standard.

If you found this helpful or know somebody who would please feel free to share it or like it.

Francis Marshall FNAEA
Managing Director
Bradleys Group

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