Monday, 28 May 2012

croeso i'r blog Bradley!

Another busy weekend has come to a close, I have been to a wedding in West Wales which was conducted entirely in Welsh and out of 300 guests I think I was only 1 of 3 where English was their first language! I haven't got a clue what was said in the speeches but I could see they all spoke very well and it must have been humorous because there was a lot of laughter. I did feel a bit like a seal clapping at the right points but on the whole it was an excellent day and it was nice to be there as the groom was our page boy 26 years ago! I hope I have got that timescale right or else I know somebody who will be giving me a hard time tonight!!

I am late sending out this morning's Monday Communication as I normally write that on a Sunday evening but when we got home last night I couldn't remote my laptop into Cornish HQ. Enid found out why this morning when she got there to find the front door forced open and it had been burgled over the weekend. Probably kids as £3.70 from the petty cash tin was taken but the computers and some other items of value were left behind. They must have disturbed the router as it had to be reset this morning.

A very strange week in Bradleys last week where sales number were really up and down. We need a good run at the minute and I was really pleased with very good performance on Monday and Tuesday then it died a death on Wednesday and Thursday before retuning again on Friday. From what I can see the weekend was busy so hopefully the month will have a strong finish.

Quite what makes the market stop and start so much is getting beyond a joke, it appears that the market is related entirely to the news. If there is some bad economic news then sales slow if there is no economic doom and gloom reported for a week or so the buyers seem to get their confidence back and dip in again. There was a suggestion that the 2 slow days last week related to the lovely weather that we all enjoyed but the improved performance over the weekend doesn't really agree with that theory.

Francis Marshall FNAEA
Managing Director
Bradleys Group

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