Thursday, 4 April 2013

Time to buy?

Just a bit after the event but thought now was the right time for me to comment on the budget!

I think it will be a very positive step for the property market which has been in the doldrums for 6 years now. The deposit guarantees that the government have said they will guarantee are just what is needed to get the market moving and that is in effect for all buyers of new homes now and for buyers of second hand homes from 1st Jan 2014. What will that do to the market? I think it is a certainty that there will be a clamour for property as the end of the year draws near and there will be an inevitable rise in prices. The question is to buy now or sit and wait for the interest free deposit from the Government. My advice is, if you have the deposit then buy now before prices rise, because they will. If you don't have the deposit now then you will have to take your chances in January but the sooner you can secure a property perhaps with a  delayed exchange and completion then the better deal you are likely to achieve.

In Bradleys we have had the Easter Challenge at Head Office and Callington office walked off with a 3.3KG egg as the event winners. I am on holiday for the next 3 days so a bit more building for me! One day the building will all be over and I will be able to go sailing again.

Francis Marshall FNAEA
Managing Director
Bradleys Group